Delivering COVID-19 vaccines related news: a case-study

Summary: Scientific observations need to be extensively tested before they can be translated into a solid conclusion. A recent scientific publication has opened up again the discussion about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Because of the system used in the mentioned study, the relative findings cannot be directly transferred to healthy systems or living organisms. Other experts in the field […]

How much do we depend on insects?

Summary: The insect population, including that of pollinators, is constantly declining. Insects have important functions in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Pollinators, in particular, are responsible for the fertilisation and consequent growth of many plant species. One-third of the agricultural products we consume comes from plants whose survival is at least partially dependent on animal pollination. Wasp, honeybee, or bumblebee? […]

Biodynamic and organic agriculture products: what are we buying?

Summary: Although they share some similarities, the biodynamic and the organic approaches in agriculture show substantial differences, one of the main being the different protocols for the certification of the respective products. Biodynamic agriculture is not based on any scientific research or method. On top of the restrictions used in organic agriculture, the biodynamic method applies esoteric techniques based on […]

The dose makes the poison… or the remedy: spotlight on vitamins and minerals

Summary: In the context of nutrition, vitamins and minerals are molecules or chemical elements required by our organism in order to perform fundamental functions. The “the more the better” rule does not apply even for such (apparently) harmless substances. Healthy individuals often get the required amounts of these nutrients from a balanced diet.  Dietary supplements might be necessary in specific […]

How much chemistry does my natural product contain?

Summary: Chemical is not a synonym for synthetic, but rather anything composed of chemical elements. Neither synthetic nor natural substances are by definition good or bad for our health.  For any substance, the chemistry, as well as the intake amounts, make the difference. The advertisement of a fruit juice, recently posted on social media, states the following: “without addition of […]