Corrections and retractions in academia

Summary: Scientists can correct and retract their work for a variety of sound reasons, not just due to scientific misconduct. There is enormous stigma associated with changing published literature.  This is exacerbated by whistle-blower bullying, inefficient bureaucracy, and a general lack of incentive from scientific institutions and journals. However, correction is a normal part of the scientific process rather than […]

How do scientists learn new things about the world?

Summary: Scientists use a formalism called the Scientific Method to gain new insights into how the world works. The Scientific Method consists of asking a question, formulating a hypothesis, testing it, and re-evaluating it based on the outcome of the test. Scientific hypotheses can never be proven, but can always be disproved. If a hypothesis has been extensively tested, it […]

What can the writing style of a publication tell you about its content?

Summary: Opinion/indoctrination articles are abundant on the internet and often appear as answers to scientific queries in search engines. Articles stating the author’s opinion contain multiple personal pronouns, as opposed to scientific publications whose focus is on the information. Publications aiming at indoctrination contain rhetorical questions and arguments from authority, which are considered weak forms of argumentation in science. Informative […]