Navigating Infant Nutrition: Breastfeeding versus Infant Formula

Summary Infant formula (IF) is similar in nutritional content to breastmilk and can be a supplement/alternative to breastmilk if breastmilk is not available. Unlike IF, breast milk contains compounds beneficial to infant immunity and biome.  Breastfeeding decreases child mortality rate and infection rate (<2 years of age) and has long term protective effects against obesity and diabetes. Parenthood is a […]

Study drugs – can we enhance our performance?

Summary: Substances that act to enhance cognitive activity fall under the term “nootropics” and comprise a wide array of compounds with diverse effects on the brain. Global increase in cognitive pharmaceutical doping among students poses a health concern. Nootropics might affect cognitive function directly (tweaking chemical messengers or neurons in the brain) or indirectly (via the blood circulatory system or […]